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Exclusive Peer Exchange Forums:

Helping Medical Professionals Connect and Collaborate
with Colleagues for Better Patient Outcomes

How do medical professionals stay connected and communicate with colleagues within their specialty areas as the health systems they work for continue to scale?

It's a major challenge facing healthcare institutions as they grow larger and increase access to quality patient care. Communication between physicians, nurses, and other medical personnel is vital at a time of unprecedented change and innovation in healthcare. 

Corporate Health Communications (CHC) provides turnkey development, management, and production of exclusive Peer Exchange Forums for health systems and hospitals seeking to increase communication between their medical professionals.

Whether it's exploring advances in treatment or assessing the impact of telemedicine, AI and machine learning, precision medicine and genomics, Extended Reality (ER) for clinical training, or new applications for mRNA vaccinology, one thing is certain: Medical professionals who collaborate increase the potential for better patient outcomes. 



Peer Exchange Forum Overview:



  • General Session featuring Keynote Speaker on a topic of your choice

  • Breakout Workshops focused on targeted subject areas, including presentations, panels, and Q&A 

  • Networking Breaks

  • Cocktail Reception

  • Dinner





CHC will manage registration, produce program materials (i.e., agenda, badges, handouts, etc.), and coordinate with speakers and presenters, venues, caterers,
A/V vendors, photographers, transcription services, etc. 

As a follow-up to the Peer Exchange Forum, CHC will produce a custom newsletter featuring highlights from the event and format it into a PDF to be emailed to
all participants.

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