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"Healthy Worklife" Employee Events:

Keeping Your Employees Healthy and Productive
is All Fun and Games

Promoting a positive culture at work is critical to creating a healthy, happy, and more productive workforce. It's also a key differentiator for companies seeking to acquire and retain talent in a highly competitive labor market. 


Corporate Health Communications (CHC) will work with you to plan and execute a custom employee health and wellness event that achieves your specific goals through our "Healthy Worklife" program:


    Event Program Overview:


  • Employee health and wellness events are held in partnership with local best-in-class multisport facilities.

  • Employees will have the opportunity to work in teams and participate in            recreational activities such as pickleball, tennis, and volleyball as well as attend group fitness sessions such as yoga, Pilates, and spin classes. Professional instruction will be provided. 

  • Medical staff from a leading local health system will be onsite to conduct health screenings. Literature focused on preventative care will also be available. 

  • Employers can also customize the event to include presentations such as employee recognition and awards, company announcements and updates, etc.

  • Catering for events is included.

  • An employee prize drawing will also be held at the conclusion of the event.

  • CHC will produce a "Healthy Worklife" newsletter featuring photos and content from the event to be distributed by the employer to its employees
    as a PDF.

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