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Corporate Health Communications (CHC) will work

with you to customize content tied to national

healthcare campaigns, adapting it to your employees'

unique needs and specific region.

January 2022 

Blood Donor Month

National Birth Defects Prevention Month

Cervical Health Awareness Month

National Glaucoma Awareness Month

Healthy Weight Week

Thyroid Health Awareness Month

February 2022

American Heart Month

National Wear Red Day (Women's Heart Health)

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week

World Cancer Day

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

National Toothache Day

National Donor Day

Burn Awareness Week

March 2022

American Red Cross Month

National Sleep Awareness Week

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

National Kidney Month

World Kidney Day

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

National Nutrition Month

Brain Injury Awareness Month

Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Save Your Vision Month

Patient Safety Awareness Month

World Oral Health Day

National Poison Prevention Week

Diabetes Alert Day

Bone Marrow Failure Awareness Week

Cardiac Rehabilitation Week

World Tuberculosis Day

National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week

World Down Syndrome Day

Lymphedema Awareness Day

April 2022

World Day for Safety & Health at Work 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month

Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Week

Alcohol Awareness Month

Defeat Diabetes Month

National Occupational Therapy Month

Autism Awareness Month

Foot Health Awareness Month

World Health Day

World Parkinson's Day

PJ Day (Lupus)

Stress Awareness Month

Food Allergy Awareness Week

Cancer Control Month

National Healthcare Decisions Day

May 2022


Global Employee Health & Fitness Month

National Blood Pressure Awareness Month

National Stroke Awareness Month

National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

Better Hearing & Speech Month

Better Sleep Month

World Autoimmune Arthritis Day

Melanoma Month (Melanoma Monday)

National Women’s Health Week

Women's Lung Health Week

National Osteoporosis Month

Mental Health Month

Healthy Vision Month

National Physical Fitness & Sports Month

Older Americans Month

Bike Safety Month

Trauma Awareness Month

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Day

Huntington Disease Awareness Month

Lupus Awareness Month

National Hepatitis Awareness Month

No Tobacco Day

June 2022

Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month

International Men’s Health Week

National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month

Cataract Awareness Month

National Safety Month

Hernia Awareness Month

National PTSD Awareness Month

National Cancer Survivors Day

World Blood Donor Day

International Day of Yoga

July 2022

Social Wellness Month

Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

UV Safety Month

World Hepatitis Day

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

National Therapeutic Recreation Week

August 2022

Opioid Misuse Prevention Day

Psoriasis Awareness Month

National Immunization Awareness Month

National Eye Exam Month

Dental Implant Month

World Lung Cancer Day

September 2022

World Suicide Prevention Day

World Rabies Day

October 2022

Virus Appreciation Day

World Mental Health Day

Global Handwashing Day

World Food Day

World Osteoporosis Day

Child Health Day

International Stuttering Awareness Day

November 2022

World Pneumonia Day

World Diabetes Day

World Prematurity Day

December 2022

World AIDS Day

International Day of People with Disability


2022 National Healthcare Campaigns:                                            Elevate Your Employees' Awareness

of Preventative Care and Treatment

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